
Are you looking to find a job you love or to switch careers?

Do you need help with applying for jobs or preparing for an interview?

Then now is the perfect time to get expert help in your job search and revamp your CV for that dream job.

Contact me for a free consultation to find out how I can help you in these challenging and uncertain times.

“I had moments that panic set in, but Saskia kept my spirits high”-Karen

Book a free 30 minute session

Saskia taught me cutting edge CV/interview techniques. I found it really helpful how knowledgeable Saskia was about all things job related but also how approachable she was on all subjects. I would definitely recommend anyone use her help and knowledge to give themselves the best chance possible of getting a job and create themselves a career.

Natasha Hurford-John

A positive soundboard right from the outset, Saskia’s skills and experience, friendly advice and gentle encouragement guided me to look at things in a new/ honest light and helped give me renewed confidence to move from pipe dreams to tangible realisation…at a time when I felt like my career had stalled and I wasn’t sure what ‘the next step’ would be. Highly recommend!
